Thursday, 29 November 2012

Roots affecting ID industry in Malaysia to become what it is today

Below is extraction of my dissertation outline, there are reason and reference to it, but it would be great if you could share me some article you've came about reading regarding on my issue mentioned below.
 Technology Available in Malaysia
·      Limitation of materials is one of the restricting factors in outcome production. Basic materials used in Malaysia – concrete, bricks, timber, metal and glass.
·      Insufficiency of technical workmanship in the industries where contractors has a regulated type of skills. Barely explore or learn up new skills and technique.
·      Lack of exploration towards new materials and finding. A repetition of existing materials.
Construction Procedures
·      Progress of interior designer comes after architect, which in true facts, interior and architect should work along side by side. Limitations where interior designer tend to comply the existing structure to make link with interior.
·      Everyone trying to perform well, resulting in conflict between architect and interior designer.
Stylization and Templating
·      Time limitation of designer. Skipping design process from concept, sketch, development direct to final due to time rush and profiting.
·      Creativity clot, reference made through magazines and existing work.
·      Linguistic differ. Client has a brief understanding on design ideas. Designers might find it easier to communicate with them through existing visual, which resulted in similarity.
·      Judging association such as GBI, Sustainable certification had justified the design outcomes.
 Market Demands
·      Client understanding towards the capability of interior designer and work scope.
·      Client’s prospect for final outcome, often appear to be whatever seen in existing interior design magazine.
·      Unlike other designer, interior design is about designing for the client. The challenge of incorporating self-thoughts with client’s quest.
·      The perception of ID in education is different compared to industry. In fact, it should not differ, education are program based on the profession in the industry.

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